Author: Erica Noelani
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! Read more
After over two years, I am breaking my silence. Where I’ve been on my journey.
Hi again. It’s been a while, a long while, since I’ve posted + shared here consistently. The last 2+ years have been a deep initiation of many sorts. I have gone through the fire of death and transformation, again and again, each time being reborn into a newer version of myself while simultaneously allowing the… Read more
Master 33
33. My solar return (aka birthday ) came a few weeks ago, while I’ve been in a state of true surrender and allowance. Have you ever felt like the best (and only) option is to let go, trust and allow? That’s me, right meow. Age is a funny thing. The more Now moments I enjoy/experience… Read more
Thank you 2020; Aloha 2021
What did 2020 show and teach me?
The Truth. The veil lifted in so many ways, and once it did, there was no going back.
Boundaries. I learned to say No, a lot. I learned how to put my needs first, and prioritize what (and who) was (is) best for me.
Discernment.… Read more
Podcast on Black, Brown or White blog post – spoken with more perspective from me
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Black, Brown or White? Let’s talk #Race – Mine.–Brown-or-White–Lets-talk-Race—Mine-ef7nkg Read more
Brown, Black or White?
I AM Taking My Power back. I am setting myself FREE. This is a very sensitive subject for me, and one that is currently set ablaze all around the world. The opportunity for me to speak up and clear this shame surrounding Race for myself is NOW. Growing up, I’ve always felt outcasted, not only… Read more
The Muses are Singing
… and I am finally ready to listen. Key word: Ready. It’s been a long (7 years) journey since my awakening in 2012. I felt completely in awe of what I was tuning into. I began learning about energy/frequencies/vibrations and spirituality, filling my mind with hours of YouTube videos and guided meditations. It was the… Read more
The Master is Initiated
It’s been a challenging day (really, a week); experiencing a lot in my mind, thoughts and heavy pressure in my head…. realizing where I have been hard on myself and out of balance. And doing so Consciously. (Capital C) Through a lot of introspection I have come to great understandings, of what it is I… Read more
Vulnerability IS Medicine
We are SO conditioned to believe that we are meant to HIDE parts of ourSelves that make others uncomfortable. So we only show what we THINK others will accept or be OK with… We Give what we BELIEVE others will Receive without them judging or secretly despising you for. We Feel what we think others… Read more
Life is about the journey, not the destination. Read more